Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Start

On days like this where we haven't made any new developments I am going to start from the beginning and write posts about the big things that have happened up to this point. Starting... well at the start. As I have said before, the abdominal pain started on November 8; but the story begins about two weeks before that. At the end of October I had a weird virus that caused me to have a killer headache, sensitivity to light and sound, and achy joints. This started like no other virus I have had before, but then it transformed into your typical cold with coughing, headaches, runny nose, and a sore throat. We thought it went away completely. After about a week the abdominal pain and headache started very abruptly.

When I went to bed on 11/7, I felt fine and I had no pain.  When I woke up it felt like someone was stabbing me in the stomach. I tried to go about my day like normal. The pain however had a different idea. It kept getting worse through out the day until we finally went into the ER around 8:00 PM. We were pretty sure that it was appendicitis. At the time I was hopping that it was not appendicitis. Now I really wish it was. When we got to the ER they said that it either wasn't appendicitis, or that it was too early to do anything about it. They told us that if it got any worse we should come back into the ER. The next night it got so bad that I was not able to stand up straight or walk by myself. So we hurried back into the ER. This time they did a CT scan and blood work. Both of them can back normal, so they weren't sure what was going on. This time they decided to admit me into the hospital. Our insurance didn't want us to stay at UC Davis, so I took an ambulance from UCD over to Mercy San Juan.
To be continued...


  1. Hey Zach! I hope u feel better soon. Im praying 4 u!!! (: - monica m.

  2. I know this is a 7 year old blog post, but this is the closest I've found to fitting a description of my life.
