Saturday, April 6, 2013

Why Won't My Legs Work?

I am sitting in the ER with nothing to do, so I am going to tell you about how I got here. I woke up this morning feeling like I normally do, with a little bit of pain in my abdomen and head. I went about my day like I do any other Saturday, which is going to dance rehearsal from 7-12. Around 2:00 I was already exhausted from the day so I went to take a nap. When my mom woke me up from this nap I realized that I could not really move any of my muscles, and my chest, head, and stomach were in extreme pain. I was also really confused and my mind was really foggy. I stayed like this for awhile, expecting for it to go away on its own, but it didn't. We called the oncall doctor and he said that it would be a good idea to go into the ER. Then we had a slight problem, I couldn't move and my parents couldn't get me to the car by themselves. So we called an ambulance. They came and brought me to the ER. As soon as I got here they did an EKG and checked all of my vitals. Everything came back as normal. They also sent me in to radiology to get a CT of my head. As I am sitting in the ER I am slowly regaining control of my muscles. So far I can move my whole upper body. However I still don't have control of my legs. When we know what this is I will let you know.

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