Sunday, April 7, 2013

And I am back...

We got home from the ER around 2 am this morning. I continued to slowly regain control of my muscles. It took about 4 hours to regain total control. While we were in the ER they ran a lot of blood tests. The majority of them came back as normal, but my ammonia and bilirubin came back slightly elevated. They actually had to do the ammonia blood test twice because the first time it was not put on ice fast enough. We are still not exactly sure what happened last night. But one of the symptoms of high ammonia is extreme fatigue. So that is a possibility. Ammonia is created in the liver as a part of processing nitrogen.  As of right now I feel fine. I will be following up with the cardiologist, pain clinic, and neurologist, but until then we are crossing our fingers that this extreme fatigue is not a recurring symptom.

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